Monday, August 4, 2008

Thing # 23 Summary of my Thoughts on 23 Things Program

I just consulted my calendar, and this was 23 things in 24 days to meet deadline. It looks like I have made it in 22 days, but I must admit to feeling the need for some R & R that does NOT involve technology of any type. I would be perfectly happy to let all my batteries die, the sun shine, the waves splash in, gulls squawk overhead, and have time to finish reading my book! I'm tuckered out. I have felt like a treadmilling hamster throughout this exercise. I really should go back and improve some of the postings that I now know what they need to be better or more complete, but I'll need quite a bit of chocolate to get the energy. For now, here are my answers to the questions:
1. My favorite discoveries or exercises were Flickr,, all the google goodies, Library Thing, TeacherTube, and wikis. That's too long a list. Best one: TeacherTube.
2. Looking back at my postings for # 2 Lifelong Learning: Hard (Technology) and Easy (Play) I would have to say that this program has reversed the order of the two of them. By that I mean to say that frequently playing was hard work, and thankfully, technology has become easier! Goal achieved.
3. Unexpected outcomes: I have become dependent on both my google homepage with the gadgets and RSS feeders, and my account. I don't think my computer would feel right without them anymore. Every day I use them both more in new ways. Hooked!
4. What could be done differently for program improvements? Perhaps some guidance is needed for those using their home computers for their hardware safety at certain junctures. I think that it would help if at the beginning of each thing an approximate amount of time needed should be included, similar to the way a recipe includes preparation and cooking time. That way you can know if it is reasonable to start a particular exercise, and you can know if your efforts have gone on beyond normal and it's time to seek outside help rather than just beating your head against the wall. The time element is the trickiest thing of all to manage with this learning experience. Obviously, you would only be able to put parameters on the learning phase and the action phase. People know their own speed of composing and publishing.
5. I would gladly accept another opportunity to participate in this program again when there wasn't a ticking 24 day time bomb counting down over my head. I could cement my learning, maybe help others, explore where I didn't have time to go before, etc. There is a chance my district may do something like this, and I have already voiced my encouragement to our director.
6. You CAN teach an old dog 23 new tricks!


DAL said...

Woohooooo, Alice! Quite an adventure, huh! Congrats, Dru Anne

Alabama Librarian said...

Congratulations, Alice! I am several Things behind you. Have you found you have consumed more chocolate in the last 22 days than you dreamed possible?

I would agree with you that playing has become more of a chore and technology has become easier. The more Things I complete, the more intuitive the technical stuff becomes for me, personally.

I am ready to hike to a mountaintop where there are no technical devices, period. At least for a day or so.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Naughty Alice.