Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thing # 3

Whew! That felt like a hard day's work! So many details and little things to sign up for along the way and decisions that slowed me down. By the time I got to the fun part of choosing an outfit and background for my avatar I almost wanted to pick the first one on the menu just to move along in the process. Of course, I couldn't quite do that. The variety was entertaining to peruse. I'm hoping all the projects will not take me as long as this one did today...


SNunciato said...

I love your avatar, and I'm so glad you didn't just pick the first outfit. I felt the same when creating my avatar; I didn't want to spend a long time putting together something that could be considered "silly," but I was having so much fun looking through all the options.

I've just finished Thing #13, and some do take a long time, but it's worth it. We all started "playing this game" to learn, and how much you learn depends on how much time you'll spend learning. Good luck to you, and enjoy the learning.

Viking said...

I too had to go over a big learning curve to get this done. There is a lot of detail and prework to get done, and then the suspense of whether or not your Avatar will load.