Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thing # 12 Commenting Redux

I'm old school. (I'm old in general!) So I was actually holding my newspaper this morning and reading some other selected people's blog comments from my corner of the great state when I became inspired to add my opinions to the outside world. I realized the outside world was really my hometown and this was definitely an arena my opinion counted as much as these other opinions. So I have now gone and let them know how I feel about a local store that might close in our area mall and what should be the replacement store (local trend is we want a Fry's Electronics....could be dangerous with my new affinity for technology!) AND the big discussion about local teacher salaries and stipends and how they compare in the district I live in and work in. I ended with humor in one post, and a question in the other, so maybe I'll get some response, and MAYBE (this would elate me no end) I'll be one of the selections in next week's newspaper for the local neighborhood section. Oh lord, my ego is getting out of control. It's like I'm on blog drugs. I even thought of commenting in the sports section about Ron Artest becoming a Houston Rocket. I have opinions about that too. YIKES! I'm afraid to sit too close to the court...good thing I'm a teacher who can't afford a good ticket so he can't hit me! Oh wait, I'm not on that site at the moment... Agrab.

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