Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thing # 13 Tagging & Discover

This is brilliant. I have needed this forever! Haven't we all? Now if I could just go back to all the computers of my past and round up all my lost and forgotten "favorites" or invent a widget to jog my memory of those old gems then life would be yummy. I attended an in-service this week and the instructor gave us guest access to his portaportal account, which is similar to I will soon be surfing through all of his picks and adding more goodies to my shopping cart. I am looking forward to seeing how the sharing portion of this will work once I get back to campus. I intend to start this with the other content specialists and then get the entire staff in on the sweetness. I think an optional after school session offering called "The most in-service you'll ever attend" ought to get their attention! It was fun to see my personal tag cloud. I was also interested to see the numbers of other people that had chosen the same sites I selected. I expected to see higher numbers on some. In a city of 2 million people the Houston Chronicle had less than 1000 people listed. The Chronicle needs to do a story about!

1 comment:

DAL said...

Agreed, Alice. I "poo-pooed" when one of our tech building people came to talk about it as just another thing they were making us do, and really didn't see the value until I actually played on it during the 23 Things. I love it, particularly the "access it from anywhere" aspect, and the fact that I can type in a description. Even when organized, My Favorites gets confusing.