Saturday, August 2, 2008

Thing # 18 Google Docs

I've been working with Google Docs for several days now and I definitely think it is a FANTASTIC tool. Except for when it is sticky and uncooperative and I want to go back to the simple ways of PowerPoint. The concept of being able to collaborate on a project with partners that are not actually meeting at the same place, but can all be looking at the work together is wonderful. There are many creative templates to choose from; actually more variety than is readily available from MicroSoft. Naturally, like anything, the more we practice with it, the better we understand how it works and how to navigate and accomplish our desires. We are putting it through a good test by using several different computers to enter our project elements. I won't be able to give a final report until after the performance under pressure for the audience on the last night of our class. Test runs have been successful so far... I spoke with our Tech Specialist yesterday and learned Google Docs is currently blocked in our district. They are also pushing us to use more technology with the students, so's a puzzle! Agrab.

1 comment:

Mrs. Chief said...

That's interesting that they have blocked Google Docs. Did they give an reason as to why? I guess I need to look into that where I am as well.
BTW...Congrats on finishing 23 things!! I am getting closer! I'm just glad I haven't lost power with everything that was supposed to be coming our way.